Weblog Work/Technical

Sorry, the copy failed. Unable to find the cpanel user file. Is the archive missing

A friend of mine had been ordered to move some of his stuff off my server – there is nothig wrong with my server by the way his boss is just an arsehole and was annoyed we paid for some laptops within the 30 days – no i didnt fuck that up, we paid them within the 30 days, but said it might be sooner – because it wasn’t sooner than the 20 days he had a hissy fit threw his toys out his pram and told my mate to move all their stuff off our server!

anyway, he had got most of the sites moved across – but one was causing some serious problems. It kept displaying the following error.

Downloading Tarball
Fetching http://URL(0)……….connected……receiving…100%……Done
Removing Scripts using suexec method
Fetching http://URL(0)……….connected……receiving…100%……Done
Fetching http://URL(0)……….connected……receiving…..Error 1.1 while fetching url http://URL//cgi-bin/cpdownload/cpanelkill.cgi?usewname

Extracting tarball………………. Done
cpmove- prefix is missing, but non prefixed directory exists.. the cpmove- prefix discarded. Extracting Domain….Done
Sorry, the copy failed. Unable to find the cpanel user file. Is the archive missing (cwd: /home loaded username/cp/username)? Extract Failed Invalid Account

I did some googling and many people have had the same problem, but my friend actually fixed the error himself. He noticed there was a 301 wildcard redirect set up on the account he was trying to move – he removed it and bingo it let him copy the account across!

2 replies on “Sorry, the copy failed. Unable to find the cpanel user file. Is the archive missing”

The 301 redirect was created intentionally and I’m definitely not stating that’s the be-all-and-end-all answer. But this was the only account that had one, and the only account that errored.

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