A client of mine reached out as he received a Web Hosting invoice, and wasnt sure what it related to. We have hosted his websites for about 15 years, and he doesn’t have any other websites – so he was quite puzzled to receive what looked like a legitimate invoice; I reached out to them […]
You may recall a very long time ago, I published a series of posts concerning BES Utilities, and in particular mis-selling and the issue of fraud you may have experienced. You may also be aware that through this fraud, BES’s owner Andrew Pilley was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment for fraud, and ordered to re-pay […]
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NETFLIX “Update your payment details” SCAM
Hi There! I received this email today, it actually looks pretty poor but would definitely fool some people; The button links to; hXXps://click.pstmrk.it/3s/husamekhrawesh.com%2FiMLA%2FlVrxoJ/-9op/IV21AQ/AQ/0c59de0c-07c0-4f63-9767-f70cc94e231a/1/upBiJA7lFw (url modified so its not a link) Its pretty obvious that this isn’t a legitimate web address, Netflix wouldn’t use such an obscure URL – and it would contain “netflix.com” if it […]