BES Utilities Scams

Haha Ruby Energy AKA BES Utilities Fail

I found myself on the Fleetwood Town Football Club website, and spotted they still had live articles about how Andy Pilley “Won” in court against two pesky online bullies. Well, I was one of those “bullies” and he didnt win shit. We backed down as he had more money to throw at it than we […]

BES Utilities Scams

Who are Ruby Energy?

I previously wrote about these guys, and explained that it appeared our best mates over at BES Utilities were rebranding to try and clean their online reputation up. Ruby Energy This has now been confirmed, and has been launched. BTW, where was my email to say you had launched your website? Did you recognise […]

BES Utilities Scams

Ruby Energy – BES Utilities New Name – SCAM

Hello All! It looks like our bezzies over at BES Utilities are rebranding to try and bury their criminal past under a new name: Ruby Energy. Not sure where they got the inspiration for the name from – perhaps its because Rubies are blood red – and we all know the team there are bloodthirsty […]

BES Utilities

BES Utilities – Data Breach – Important!

You may recall a very long time ago, I published a series of posts concerning BES Utilities, and in particular mis-selling and the issue of fraud you may have experienced. You may also be aware that through this fraud, BES’s owner Andrew Pilley was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment for fraud, and ordered to re-pay […]