Hello All!
It looks like our bezzies over at BES Utilities are rebranding to try and bury their criminal past under a new name: Ruby Energy.
Not sure where they got the inspiration for the name from – perhaps its because Rubies are blood red – and we all know the team there are bloodthirsty villains. Or it could just be them trying to associate themselves with something treasured and beautiful instead of being associated with misery and criminality.
BES have also confirmed they will continue to scam under the new name, as shown here in their announcement;
“No changes to your contract arrangements”
Straight from the horses mouth.
Ruby Utilities?
Its not clear what their domain will be, as there is a company called “Ruby Energy Ltd” and they seem to be a legit company, and they have the domain name you’d expect BES to choose. I noticed rubyutilties.co.uk was parked so that may be the domain they have chosen. It was registered in April of this year – so thats possible.
Ruby.co.uk is also available, but its priced at £40k – so I would be surprised if they went with that one.
EDIT – they are possibly going with Ruby-Energy.co.uk – so lets keep an eye on that domain and see when their new website appears.
All in all, this rebrand is just a ploy to cover their shady past and start scamming again under a new name.
Be careful peeps – these scammers can be sneaky!
EDIT 2 – The live domain is actually RubyEnergy.uk