Ive always had an interest in technology, I played with computers from an early age (1992/1992) and had a mobile phone from the age of 13 onwards. I always played around with the devices I owed, from adding GPS support and the TomTom software to an old Symbian Nokia phone, through to hacking my HTC Desire so it treated an SD card as internal storage therefore making the phone actually usable haha.
Anyway, I just got on with life but always had an interest in phones, tablets, and general smart/modern technology. Many years after my first phone, I found that family members and friends were asking me to look at their broken phones and tablets – I always obliged and I found the whole process quite fun actually. This got me thinking… Perhaps even in this day and age, where smartphones and similar tech are considered to be “throwaway” – and in what is actually a reasonably saturated, could I turn this little hobby into a small side business?
I posted a message on my Facebook asking if anyone had any broken phones that needed fixing – the response was pretty overwhelming to be honest!

So it seems I may be able to keep myself busy in the evenings and make some extra cash too! Win win!
If you need a mobile phone repair in Mansfield, or if you need Screen Repair in Mansfield, then drop me an email or visit my Facebook page 🙂
One reply on “Phone Screen Repairs – New Business Venture”
BTW Facebook page is now LIVEE!