
Richard and Angela Maxwell SCAM Followup #2!

I dont think ive ever had to do a 2nd follow-up on a blog post before!

My previous Maxwell Fund Scam posts (#1 #2) have grabbed the attention of many people around the world who have also received a message, apparently from the Richard and Angela Maxwell Lottery Fund.

Richard and Angela Fund SCAM

Well it seems they are adopting a new approach to the scam, and they are reaching out to people via their mobile phones and SMS messages.

I got this email the other day;

Tuesday 2nd August 2016 8pm. I have just received a text message saying :- Your Mobile Number just won £650,000.00 pounds from Richard and Angela’s Donation For verification send email to . The mobile number it was sent from is +44784202330. I expect this is still a scam. What do you think ?

I informed the lady that this was a scam and thanked her for bringing it to my attention.

She told me that she had also been in touch with the Action Fraud squad who showed an interest in the info – I have a number of people in the comments of one of the other posts who also say they have had the text message so if the Action Squad need more info – shout up!

If you have had an SMS message from the “Maxwell Fund” then it will be a scam. Comment below and post the text and phone number it came from so we can keep tabs on these asshats.

Do not reply or ring these a-holes as then you are showing your number is valid, and you’ll probably get your details sold.

62 replies on “Richard and Angela Maxwell SCAM Followup #2!”

For your information this has arisen again via email as shown below.

—–Original Message—–
From: Richard & Angela Maxwell
To: Recipients
Sent: Sat, Dec 24, 2016 6:49 pm
Subject: Good News..Reply.. Merry Xmas!

My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of £53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

To verify our lottery winnings,please see our interview by visiting the web page below:

After a computer spinball,your email address was among the 5 random emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that we can transfer your €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in your name or direct our offshore paying bank to effect the transfer of the funds to your designated bank account in your own country.

Full Names:
Mobile No:

Send your response to:

Best Regards,
Richard & Angela Maxwell


The obvious scam indicator is the multiple email addresses (the sender and then the response to email) and a quick visit to brings up a Chinese web site so clearly a scam either intended to garner some personal info to help hacking or to lure you into providing further details once they think they’ve got you hooked.

Received this today

This might come as a surprise to you, you have been awarded by my wife and i from our winnings.

Contact Email:

We await your earliest response and God Bless you.

Best wishes,
Richard and Angela Maxwell.

Just got the text too.

Your phone number just won £650.000.00 from Richard and Angela Maxwell donation email for infor

From number +44 7484 102534

Shame it’s a scam. That exact amount would pay off my credit card lol

“Your phone number just won £650,000.00 from Richard and Angela Maxwell donation email for infor
This is exactly as I received it, lack of punctuation and poor spelling included.
Number: +447484102534

Hi I’ve just received same text too from the same number 07484102534
I have replied back with my email…is that a worry?

Hi i could see scam straight away,just thought id share the msg and number xx
I am Dr. Ma, I would like to inform you about a business proposal, kindly reply me at for more info
Number 07484102534

I have had four of these over the past months each time I send them to NFIB along with all other scams and ask why they don’t do something about these people . I wonder if there is actually anybody working at the city of London fraud investigation dept

I got this email to . But i live in latvia.
My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of £53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

To verify our lottery winnings,please see our interview by visiting the web page below:

After a computer spinball,your email address was among the 5 random emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that we can transfer your €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in your name or direct our offshore paying bank to effect the transfer of the funds to your designated bank account in your own country.

Full Names:
Mobile No:

Send your response to:

Best Regards,
Richard & Angela Maxwell

I got this email to . But i live in latvia.
My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of £53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

To verify our lottery winnings,please see our interview by visiting the web page below:

After a computer spinball,your email address was among the 5 random emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that we can transfer your €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in your name or direct our offshore paying bank to effect the transfer of the funds to your designated bank account in your own country.

Full Names:
Mobile No:

Send your response to:

Best Regards,
Richard & Angela Maxwell

Received this email today from Richard & Angela Maxwell . The scam continues!

My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of £53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate €1,000,000EUR(One Million Euros) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

To verify our lottery winnings,please see our interview by visiting the web page below:

Your email address was among the emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that we can transfer your €1,000,000.00 EUR(One Million Euros) to you in your own country.

Full Names:
Mobile No:

Send your response to:

Best Regards,
Richard & Angela Maxwell

I’ve just received an email to say I’ve had 1 million pound donated by the maxwells this is obviously a scam what should I do

On 15.02.2017 received the following email from:
On 15 Feb 2017 21:04, “Richard & Angela Maxwell” wrote:
My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of £53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

To verify our lottery winnings,please see our interview by visiting the web page below:

After a computer spinball,your email address was among the 5 random emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that we can transfer your €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in your name or direct our offshore paying bank to effect the transfer of the funds to your designated bank account in your own country.

Full Names:
Mobile No:

Send your response to:

Best Regards,
Richard & Angela Maxwell

I got this email the other day;
???????? ?? ??????
Re: Dear Stanka Ninova
26.03.2017 05:39
Stanka Ninova (

Dear Stanka Ninova

Thank you for accepting our Offer, your fund totaling €2,000,000.00 (Two Million EURO) is currently in BANK DRAFT (CASHIER CHEQUE) We have since Deposited it with FedEx Courier Delivery Service for on-word delivery to you upon Your Contact with Them.

Kindly Contact FedEx Delivery Director(Mr. Terry Moses)
Phone Number:+447452262252
Your Parcel Security Keeping code:(FD/0917/PP/CRT)

Please do not thank us because we were directed by God to contribute to Humanity, I am sorry to inform you that you will never have the chance to know us because we have just concluded our Mission and we are very happy to contribute to humanity.

Please be notified that we both will have less time in surfing the INTERNET as we have retired completely from the outside world to our ranch at this moment, We urge you to invest properly and try to be also Good to others.

Be Informed that We have already paid the insurance fee,the delivery charges and the clearance but did not pay for the security keeping fee of your Parcel because FedEx insist the security keeping fee must be paid by the recipient as part of their Security Measure to validate Recipient Delivery Address/existence

May God Bless you and do not forget to also contribute to the well being of others.

Best Regards,
Richard & Angela Maxwell

Richard Maxwell (
26.03.2017 23:45
“” (

Dear Stanka Ninova,

My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of £53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate €2,000,000.00 (Two Million EURO) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

To verify our lottery winnings,please see our interview by visiting the web page below:

After a computer spinball,your email address was among the 5 random emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that we can order the remittance of you (Two Million EURO)to you in your Country.

Full Names:
Mobile No:

Received text message this morning (obviously a scam) saying…..
Your phone number just won £650,000 from Richard and Angela Maxwell donation email for info email
From number
+44 7483 251843

Received text message this morning 07/07/17 saying…..
Your phone number just won £650,000 from Richard and Angela Maxwell donation email for info email
From number
+44 7483116347

i had recived an email from…

Richard & Angela Maxwell

My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of £53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

To verify our lottery winnings,please see our interview by visiting the web page below:

After a computer spinball,your email address was among the 5 random emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that we can transfer your €1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in your name or direct our offshore paying bank to effect the transfer of the funds to your designated bank account in your own country.

Full Names:
Mobile No:

Send your response to:

Best Regards,
Richard & Angela Maxwell

Thought id share the information to keep people safe… please do not trust emails like this.

Looks like this scam is still going on. I have just received a text saying that my phone number has just won £650.000.00 from Richard and Angela Maxwell donation email for info email:
Telephone number it came from is 07483812918.


I had a text today which looks the same scam. “your phone number just won £700.000.000 from Sonia Davies Donation email for infor” just googled Sonia Davies and she is a lottery winner too.
Came from +447483142972
Hate stuff like this, how do they even get your number grrrrr

My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of £53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate €1,000,000EUR(One Million Euros) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

To verify our lottery winnings,please see our interview by visiting the web page below:

Your email address was among the emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that we can transfer your €1,000,000.00 EUR(One Million Euros) to you in your own country.

Full Names: Turkish Twat
Mobile No: 0940904904
Age: 110
Address: Some shithole in bodrum
Occupation: Hacker
Country: Turkey or Chicken

Send your response to:

Best Regards,
Richard & Angela Maxwell

LS. Just recieved this e-mail again. This is the 3rd in 2 weeks. My wife and I won the Euro Millions Lottery of £53 Million British Pounds and we have voluntarily decided to donate €1,000,000EUR(One Million Euros) to 5 individuals randomly as part of our own charity project.

To verify our lottery winnings,please see our interview by visiting the web page below:

Lincolnshire couple thought £53m EuroMillions win was April Fool’s joke – Telegraph
A retired couple who have become one of the country’s biggest ever National Lottery winners after bagging more than £53 million at first thought it was an April Fool’s joke.

Your email address was among the emails which were submitted to us by the Google, Inc as a web user; if you have received our email, kindly send us the below details so that we can transfer your €1,000,000.00 EUR(One Million Euros) to you in your own country.

Full Names:
Mobile No:

Send your response to:

Best Regards,
Richard & Angela Maxwell

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