My Past


why were women made so at a certain time every month, they become a complete selfish heartless bitch? i know that probably ist true about all females, but nic has really fucked me off today. basically because “im not as loving anymore” she basically ignored me all night, all mornin, then when i get up […]

My Past

blaggin life..

ok, good news, daz has a job which means he can pay his bills, and i dont get kicked out. 🙂 some random fabricating and welding job, suits him, he gets praised for good work all the time (he is a very good welder) and he gets paid loads. buzzin 🙂 im goin up to […]

My Past

i really really dont no what to do

ok first, my N key is playin up, so excuse me if i miss a few now and then! second, i got girl trouble. basically im i a relationship. and i cant figure out if i want it and im happy, i want ONE but not this one, or i dont want one and im […]

My Past

well f**k me

ive not added one post on here since i turned 21! 🙂 i got this \/ for my bday, i was very very happy when i saw it 🙂 well, 21, i dunno you no, i seem to feel very grown up, seems that over my week off, i have ACTUALLY become a year older, […]