Ranting Weblog

A society that favours the slackers

I have had a recent spurt of comments on a post i did about the wheelbase motor project in Nottingham. The comments are from “clients” and employees of the project, and they all seem to completely miss my point of view on the whole subject. I do understand why these projects exist, and why they […]

Prison Break Weblog

Prison Break – Did you know?

According to wikipedia – in the first season of prison break, most of the filming was actually done in a de-comissioned prison called Joliet Prison in Chicago. Lincolns cell was the same cell they used to house a guy called John Wayne Gacy who was labled the “Killer Clown” after raping and murdering 33 young […]


Bargain bagged, and moving forward

Well, since my last blog post i have managed to bag a BARGAIN on ebay! I have won a unused, 2g iphone for £174! I know its NOT a 3g one – but i really could not find one for £200 or under that wasn’t broken or something. Anyway, after weighing up the difference between […]


How to bag a bargain on eBay

I have been working hard in a factory as well as for the business for a good few months now, its really starting to affect my knees, my back and although i have lost lots of fat, and turned it into muscle i still ache all the time and generally feel sorry for myself  🙂 […]